How do we understand cuisine and its connection to identity? By bringing together six individuals with six variations of the same dish — The Common Thread explores the interplay of food, society, and identity. By challenging the notion of authenticity, the project highlights the fluidity of cuisine and underscores the importance of community and regional ties that transcend political borders.
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How do we understand cuisine and its connection to identity? By bringing together six individuals with six variations of the same dish — The Common Thread explores the interplay of food, society, and identity. By challenging the notion of authenticity, the project highlights the fluidity of cuisine and underscores the importance of community and regional ties that transcend political borders.
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The project is a critical reflection on the topic of mental health within the consumer market and consumerist culture. The strong correlation between physical state and mental well-being has become increasingly commodified, characterised by a surplus of products entering the market under the label of remedial instruments. It is said that there is a tool for every inch of the body, however, it is legitimate to ask ourselves to what extent the production of these is justifiable, and if so, who can allow it?
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The project is a critical reflection on the topic of mental health within the consumer market and consumerist culture. The strong correlation between physical state and mental well-being has become increasingly commodified, characterised by a surplus of products entering the market under the label of remedial instruments. It is said that there is a tool for every inch of the body, however, it is legitimate to ask ourselves to what extent the production of these is justifiable, and if so, who can allow it?
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Memory is both a result of and an influence on perception, attention, and learning. The past is created by our subjective recollections, which are not an exact representation of the truth but rather our interpretation of what we see, feel and think. Each person will recall the same event in a different way with other details being their key to remembering.
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Memory is both a result of and an influence on perception, attention, and learning. The past is created by our subjective recollections, which are not an exact representation of the truth but rather our interpretation of what we see, feel and think. Each person will recall the same event in a different way with other details being their key to remembering.
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What is the essence of Silessianness? Is it possible for a region, mostly known for its mines, to lose its selfhood after its closure when the industry had such an immense influence on its history, culture and values?
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What is the essence of Silessianness? Is it possible for a region, mostly known for its mines, to lose its selfhood after its closure when the industry had such an immense influence on its history, culture and values?
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