Comodification of mental health

Design Academy Eindhoven
+ GGzE
Collaborative Project
co-authors: Alice Moretto, Femke Hoppenbrouwer,
Juyun Lee, Kasia Rachuba, Philip Atanasov
publication design, video instalation
Our contribution to “Mental health for all” in collaboration with the GGzE is a critical reflection on the topic of mental health within the consumer market and consumerist culture. The strong correlation between physical state and mental well-being has become increasingly commodified, characterised by a surplus of products entering the market under the label of remedial instruments. It is said that there is a tool for every inch of the body, however, it is legitimate to ask ourselves to what extent the production of these is justifiable, and if so, who can allow it?
The catalogue is a collection of 55 objects. It can be seen as a publication educating about the enormous amount of devices marketed using mental health-related tags. The objects are sorted through categories such as name; price; tags; connected body parts; materials; year of creation; the designer; claimed benefits and the existence of scientific validation to present a broad overview of the issue.
The installation emphasises the claim that a remedy tool exists for every inch of the body. The critique is not aimed at the existence of individual pieces. It is rather pointing out the concern over the amount, means of production and marketing methods. The projected animation consists of layers of those objects, sorted by price ranges. It invites the viewer to reflect on how the industry is playing with our fears and needs to make a profit. In our understanding, such an important topic as mental well-being deserves proper help and care. The overuse of connected terms in marketing can be seen as harming and trivializing the issue.
With our project, we would like to encourage GGze clients and workers to re-think their relationship with such tools and gadgets and critically reflect on consumerism within the topic of mental health.