Od kuchni

Academy of Fine Arts Katowice
Bachelor Graduation Project
“Od kuchi” is a unique Japan travel guide focussing on the country’s cuisine and culture. This project won in the 19th Edition of Graduation Projects – an International Design Review of projects created by graduates of design studies from Central Europe and will be exhibited among 30 other winners at Zamek Cieszyn. It consists of a publication design, photo essay and texts – I am the author of all of the above. The idea to create this book was formed when I noticed the lack of desirable guide on the market and by combining my biggest passions – graphic design, traveling and food. I decided to create a practical, functional publication that will also explore social and cultural context as well as engage the readers. Japanese cuisine was the inspiration and a pretext to begin my story. It became the key to my guide which promotes conscious traveling.
The designing process was preceded by: analysing existing publications, verification of the need, collecting data, writing the book content, preparing photographs, determining and rethinking design foundations and problems. Earnest architecture of information helped me in dividing publication’s complicated structure into divisions, chapters, and subsections. Book’s layout was especially designed to help the reader cope with a big amount of information. It makes the navigation easy by clearly dividing the page into sections – informational and the body. It also provides a proper size of photographs. Pictograms and themed sections enable selective reading. Because of “what?” and “where?” segments it is easy to find appealing topics and locations of depicted places. Dictionary, map and table of contents are an additional help. The paperback book is perfectly binded and contains allonges that frames photos to direct attention to detail.